Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cinco De Mayo and the Battle of Puebla
Cinco De Mayo and the Battle of Puebla Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican occasion which commends the triumph over French powers on May 5, 1862,​ at the Battle of Puebla. It is frequently erroneously thought to be Mexico’s Independence Day, which is really September 16. A greater amount of an enthusiastic triumph than a military one, to Mexicans the Battle of Puebla speaks to Mexican purpose and boldness notwithstanding a staggering enemy. The Reform War The Battle of Puebla was not a secluded occurrence: there is a long and convoluted history that hinted at it. In 1857, the â€Å"Reform War†broke out in Mexico. It was a common war and it pitted Liberals (who trusted in division of chapel and state and opportunity of religion) against the Conservatives (who supported a tight bond between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mexican State). This fierce, grisly war left the country wrecked and bankrupt. At the point when the war was over in 1861, Mexican President Benito Juarez suspended all installment of outside obligation: Mexico basically didn't have any cash. Outside Intervention This rankled Great Britain, Spain, and France, nations which were owed a lot of cash. The three countries consented to cooperate to compel Mexico to pay. The United States, which had considered Latin America its â€Å"backyard†since the Monroe Doctrine (1823), was experiencing its very own Civil War and in no situation to take care of European intercession in Mexico. In December 1861 military of the three countries showed up off the shore of Veracruz and handled a month later, in January 1862. Urgent a minute ago discretionary endeavors by the Juarez organization convinced Britain and Spain that a war that would additionally pulverize the Mexican economy was in no one’s intrigue, and Spanish and British powers left with aâ promise of future installment. France, nonetheless, was unconvinced and French powers stayed on Mexican soil. French March on Mexico City French powers caught the city of Campeche on February 27 and fortifications from France showed up before long. By early March, France’s current military machine had a productive armed force set up, ready to catch Mexico City. Under the order of the Count of Lorencez, a veteran of the Crimean War, the French Army set out for Mexico City. At the point when they arrived at Orizaba, they held up for some time, the same number of their soldiers had gotten sick. In the mean time, a multitude of Mexican regulars under the order of 33-year-old Ignacio Zaragoza walked to meet him. The Mexican Army was around 4,500 men solid: the French numbered roughly 6,000 and were greatly improved outfitted and prepared than the Mexicans. The Mexicans involved the city of Puebla and its two posts, Loreto and Guadalupe. French Attack On the morning of May 5, Lorencez moved to assault. He accepted that Puebla would fall effectively: his off base data recommended that the battalion was a lot littler than it truly was and that the individuals of Puebla would give up effectively as opposed to chance a lot of harm to their city. He settled on an immediate ambush, requesting his men to focus on the most grounded piece of the resistance: Guadalupe fortification, which remained on a slope sitting above the city. He accepted that once his men had taken the post and had an unmistakable line to the city, the individuals of Puebla would be dispirited and would give up rapidly. Assaulting the fortification legitimately would demonstrate a significant mix-up. Lorencez moved his gunnery into position and by early afternoon had started shelling Mexican cautious positions. He requested his infantry to assault multiple times: each time they were repelled by the Mexicans. The Mexicans were nearly overwhelmed by these ambushes, however valiantly held their lines and safeguarded the posts. By the third assault, the French cannons was coming up short on shells and subsequently the last attack was unsupported by big guns. French Retreat The third flood of French infantry had to withdraw. It had started to rain, and the foot troops were moving gradually. With no dread of the French mounted guns, Zaragoza requested his rangers to assault the withdrawing French soldiers. What had been a systematic retreat turned into a defeat, and Mexican regulars gushed out of the fortifications to seek after their enemies. Lorencez had to move the survivors to a removed position and Zaragoza got back to his men to Puebla. Now in the fight, a youthful general named Porfirio Dã azâ made a name for himself, driving a mounted force assault. â€Å"The National Arms Have Covered Themselves in Glory†It was a sound annihilation for the French. Assessments place French setbacks around 460 dead with nearly that many injured, while just 83 Mexicans were executed. Lorencez’sâ quick retreat kept the annihilation from turning into a debacle, butâ still, the fight turned into a gigantic assurance promoter for the Mexicans. Zaragoza made an impression on Mexico City, broadly pronouncing â€Å"Las armas nacionales se han cubierto de gloria†or â€Å"The national arms (weapons) have shrouded themselves in glory.†In Mexico City, President Juarez announced May fifth a national occasion in recognition of the fight. Repercussions The Battle of Puebla was not essential to Mexico from a military point of view. Lorencez was permitted to withdraw and clutch the towns he had just caught. Not long after the fight, France sent 27,000 soldiers to Mexico under another administrator, Elie Frederic Forey. This monstrous power was well past anything the Mexicans could oppose, and it cleared into Mexico City in June of 1863. In transit, they attacked and caught Puebla. The French installed Maximilian of Austria, a youthful Austrian aristocrat, as Emperor of Mexico. Maximilian’s rule endured untilâ 1867 when President Juarez had the option to drive the French out and reestablish the Mexican government. Youthful General Zaragoza kicked the bucket of typhoid not long after the Battle of Puebla. Despite the fact that the Battle of Puebla added up to little from a military sense  it simply delayed the unavoidable triumph of the French armed force, which was bigger, preferable prepared and better prepared over the Mexicans it by and by implied a lot to Mexico as far as pride and expectation. It gave them that the compelling French war machine was not safe, and that assurance and mental fortitude were incredible weapons. The triumph was a gigantic lift to Benito Juarezâ and his administration. It permitted him to clutch power when he was at risk for losing it, and it was Juarez who in the end drove his kin to triumph against the French in 1867. The fight additionally denotes the appearance on the political scene of Porfirio Dã az, at that point a reckless youthful general who resisted Zaragoza so as to pursue down escaping French soldiers. Dã az would in the long run get a great deal of the credit for the triumph and he utilized his new acclaim to run for president against Jurez. Despite the fact that he lost, he would inevitably arrive at the administration andâ lead his country for a long time.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Management market segmentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Vital Management showcase division - Essay Example 4. Enlist the pertinent individuals by appropriately talking with them and afterward choosing them. They should be prepared on the inquiries and the point of the inquiries. At that point the enlisted people should be conveyed to the field to gather the pertinent information from the arranged examples. I do some exploration for Enterprise Portfolio Management Office in AAA of Northern California. What this office does is Project Portfolio Management (PPM) - another order in associations, the one that joins methodology plan with the technique usage through choosing, organizing, improving and controlling task portfolio (the arrangement of all ventures in an association). PPM is utilized the most in IT the executives (since IT was consistently the pioneer in venture the board), yet now PPM is utilized to deal with any arrangement of tasks. 3. Activities are made, finished, adjusted and fittingly anticipated to guarantee more clear and firmer picture. Just those activities and undertakings that buy in to this view should be brought under the extent of this activity. 6. A superior perspective on the general activity is seeable. ... PPM is utilized the most in IT the board (since IT was consistently the pioneer in venture the board), yet now PPM is utilized to deal with any arrangement of undertakings. If you don't mind concentrate a portion of the articles on PPM: 1. http://www.projectperfect.com.au/downloads/info_PPM.pdf 2. http://www.grantthornton.com/downloads/APM_whitepaper_100814.pdf 3. http://www.welcom.com/content.cfmpage=530 1. What issues would you consider when choosing undertakings to actualize your system The accompanying issues should be thought of while actualizing the Project Portfolio Management Strategy in the organization. 1. Undertakings ought to be lined up with activities and the business destinations of the organization. Activities become the ventures and rise above yearly spending outskirts. 2. While choosing the ventures we have to take a gander at which of them would require a closer watch, a 10,000 foot see, asset sharing and fitting utilization of every accessible asset. 3. Activities are made, finished, adjusted and suitably anticipated to guarantee more clear and firmer picture. Just those activities and tasks that buy in to this view should be brought under the extent of this activity. Those tasks where we may get a kick out of the chance to receive the accompanying benefits, we have to execute the new system. 1. Quicker and straightforward change the board 2. Speedier outcomes since we have a nearby watch on the advancement of the activities. 3. Minor undertakings will stay minor and not become a significant issue that should be handled quickly. 4. Activity goals are straightforward and targets are accomplished there as opposed to have the undertaking direct the destinations. 5. Portfolios can be continually modified to improve gains 6. A 10,000 foot perspective on the general activity is seeable. This will set up joins across ventures and
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Inspired Brainstorming
Inspired Brainstorming I often feel inspired when I least expect to. When I do feel inspired, I mean really inspired, I sit on my bed and close my eyes. I let my mind take me wherever it wants. I pull out a piece of paper and a BIC pen and jot everything down. I just had one of these marathon brain-picking note sessions. Maybe one day I’ll share the actual content with you, but for now, I’d like to share three pieces of advice. These three pieces of advice are the lens through which I view opportunity and my future. 1. “The sky is the limit†Mom Since I was a very little Gabe, my amazing mother repeated this to me almost every night as she tucked me in. I must have heard her whisper “the sky is the limit†in my ear thousands of times. I never really listened. It was just something she said, like “Study hard†or “Eat your broccoli.†As I prepared to leave home for MIT, Mom came home and held out a pillowcase. It was light blue with hot air balloons and clouds spotting its fuzzy fleece surface. “As you start your next adventure,†she said, “I don’t want you to ever forget.†“Forget what, Mom?†I asked. “That the sky is the limit. That you can do anything you set your mind to.†Mom has empowered me to think big. When I feel inspired and jot down my thoughts, they include big things. Really big things. After all, Mom told me that the sky is the limit. 2. “Because I just don’t give a shit.†Hardi Meybaum, GrabCAD CEO/founder I work at a tech startup with a pretty amazing founder/CEO named Hardi Meybaum. I’ve learned so much from Hardi and consider him a mentor, but nothing resonates more than this exchange. We were walking back to our hotel after a night out in Tallinn, Estonia (where Hardi founded the company, and where we have quarterly retreats). I turned to Hardi. Me: “Hey, what do you think I could do better at with work?†Hardi: “Gabe, I think you’re doing fine.†I pressed further. I had learned not to shrug off answers. I was in the mood to learn more, even if it meant pushing. Me: “Ok, fine. Well tell me about why you’ve been successful. What is the one thing you did right?†Hardi (harshly): “I just don’t give a shit.†I was worried. Hardi had never cussed at me, much less refused to answer one of my millions of questions Me (dejected): “What?†Hardi: “I just don’t give a shit. That’s why investors like me. That’s why you like me. That’s why I’ve been successful. Because I just don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit what people normally do or say. I don’t give a shit what people normally dress like or what business decisions people normally make. So that’s my advice to you.†Me: “What is?†Hardi: “Stop giving a shit.†We split and went to our hotel rooms. Norms and status quo have taken a backseat in my life. After all, who really cares? 3. Ive met a lot of young people who ask me what books to read, or what films to watch. I think its a good way to start, but theres no substitute for just going there.†180 ° South (documentary) This quote from 180 ° South is pretty self explanatory. I received this lesson in another form three years ago. I was working as a backpacking summer camp counselor in New Hampshire after my freshman year at MIT. One of my fellow counselors, Greg, had thru-hiked the 2,181 mile Appalachian Trail. I was intrigued and wanted to know more. All summer, I tried to pick his brain. “What was it like??†“What did you eat?†“Did you ever feel crazy?†Greg never answered any of my questions with more than one word. It felt like he just didn’t want to share. At the end of the summer, he pulled me aside and said, “Gabe, I know it feels like I’ve brushed off a lot of your questions about the Trail. If you’re curious, you should just do it yourself.†And I did. I learned more from just going and thru-hiking then I ever could have from Greg’s answers, or from some book or movie. There’s simply no substitute for the real thing. So there it is. My framework for inspired brainstorming boils neatly to: 1. The sky is the limit 2. Stop giving a shit about the status quo 3. There’s no substitute for just doing it Next time you’re feeling inspired, sit down with a pen and paper. Write everything down. I think youll be surpised at what comes out when the sky is the limit. Then, go do something. (And, if you feel so inclined, email your jotted notes to me from your inspired brainstorms. I want to see.)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Dna And The Criminal Justice System - 872 Words
Deoxyribonucleic Acid, otherwise known as DNA has played a crucial part in many investigations both past and present. It can be used to identify criminals when there is evidence left behind with incredible accuracy. DNA evidence is taken seriously enough that it can exonerate, or bring about a conviction. In Today’s society DNA evidence and technology is vital to the criminal justice system by ensuring accuracy and fairness. In 1984, Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered a new marker in the human genome. DNA is generally the same in all human beings with an exception to the â€Å"junk code†that is unique to every person. Junk DNA in investigations can usually be found in saliva, blood, skin tissues, semen, skin tissue, and hair. Jeffreys proved that even small fragments of DNA molecules were unique to an individual with the exception of monozygotic twins. Due to his discovery, many older and unsolved cases from the pre-DNA era are being re-opened and subjected to DNA testing with the hope of solving them. (Nelson, M. (2011) Due to the uniqueness of DNA it has become a powerful tool in criminal investigations as it can involve, or exempt a suspect. It can also be used to identify the remains of dead bodies through comparison with the DNA database. It can also be compared to other crime scene evidence so as to connect the crimes to a particular perpetrator whether it be local, countrywide, orShow MoreRelatedDna Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1372 Words  | 6 Pagesto use DNA profiling to match the semen to a suspect. Colin Pitchfork became the first person to be caught based on mass DNA screening, and the first to be convicted based on DNA profiling. The use of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in the criminal justice system has greatly tipped the scales in favor of law enforcement, and changed the world that we live in. Court cases that in the past relied heavily on eye witness testimony and circumstantial evidence now have science to back them up. DNA analysisRead MoreDna Testing And The Criminal Justice System716 Words  | 3 PagesConvictions prior to the advancement of DNA testing in the criminal justice system were commonly found to be later wrongful and due to eyewitness misidentification (Scheck Neufeld, 2001). Hence, there has been increasing research by psychologists in eyewitness memory and particularly in line up practices. In criminal identific ation, a simultaneous line up (SIM) is typically used and involves presenting the witness with all line-up suspects at once with the offender (target) placed amongst otherRead MoreJustice Systems And The Justice System Of Other Nations1732 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen and will be discussed concerning our justice system and the justice system of other nations. Contrarily there are varying types of courts all throughout these other nations as well. Similarly, all nations have criminal sanctions, sentencing practices, and types of punishment, death penalties, and imprisonments. The question I present is what about all those who have been unlawfully convicted, sentenced and then later on exonerated centered upon DNA or whatsoever evidence available? What aboutRead MoreEffectiveness of the Criminal Trial Process as a Means of Achieving Justice977 Words  | 4 PagesThe effectiveness of the criminal trial process as a means of achieving justice The criminal trial process aims to provide justice for all those involved, while it succeeds in the majority of cases, it effectiveness is influenced and reduced by certain factors. These include the legal representation involved in a case and the availability of legal aid, the capacity of the jury assessing the trial, the credibility of scientific evidence and the impact of social media on the trial process. Due toRead MoreCriminal Justice Trends Evnaluatio1253 Words  | 6 PagesCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation December 10, 2012 CJA/394 Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 2 Introduction The criminal justice system is very important to American society. The reason for laws are to defend society from harm, makeRead MoreDna Evidence And The Justice System1224 Words  | 5 Pagesin many criminal cases in DNA evidence. Since the 1980s, DNA analysis has continued to make steady progress as an adjunct to police investigations. DNA can be collected from blood, hair, skin cells, and other bodily substances. Similar to fingerprints, each individual has a unique DNA profile, but unlike that of fingerprints, only a miniscule amount of genetic material is needed to identify or eliminate suspects. However, the reliability and accuracy of the use of DNA evidence in criminal trials inRead MoreForensic Databases Have Grown With Our Advancements In869 Words  | 4 Pagesenforcement uses a forensic DNA database that uses a method called, familial matching. Familial DNA searching looks for partial matches that can not only match the suspect’s DNA, but the suspect’s family line. This is unlike the typical DNA database that law enforcement has used for years. For that DNA database makes an exact match between the suspect of the crime and his or her DNA sample. Familial DNA searches have been found to be beneficial to Police and Criminal Investigators, and Crime AnalysistsRead MoreWrongfully Convicted And The Criminal Justice System890 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent crimes that has taken place. In today’s society, we depend upon the justice system. Criminal Justice is a big deal. The Criminal Justice system was put in place by the agencies and established by the governments to help control the crimes and apply penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there to protect and serve while others feel that the criminal justice system fails them daily. Over 30 years ago Alan Newton was convicted of a crimeRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System963 Words  | 4 Pagesdepend highly upon the justice system. Criminal Justice is a major concern. Criminal Justice consists of three areas: our police, courts and corrections department. The Criminal Justice system was put in place by these agencies, and established by the governments to help control the crimes and applies penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there to protect and serve while others feel that the criminal justice system fails them daily. OverRead MoreTechnology And The Field Of Criminal Justice Essay1321 Words  | 6 Pagesfield of criminal justice has not been an exception to this technological advances. These advances in technology has taken the criminal justice field a long way from riding a horse bareback to driving armored cars. These advances along with many others have almost completely changed how things are handled in all aspects of the law. Technology is the persistent application of information in the design, production and use of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities. Criminal Justice
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Domestic Violence Against Women in Pakistan
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. (UN General Assembly 1993). It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, it is a global issue that cuts across all geographic, social, cultural and ethnic boundaries. But it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it received recognition as a serious public†¦show more content†¦The life expectancy at birth for the population is 66 years, infant mortality is 62 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality is 260 deaths per 100,000 live births ( UNDP 2011). In addition to the globally prevalent forms of domestic violence , women in Pakistan also suffer from forms of violence carried out in the name of tradition, culture and religion. Honour killing is an old tradition which involves a male member of the family killing a female relative if she is suspected of tarnishing the family’s honour. In most cases the executor is the husband, the father or a brother( Minallah and Durrani, 2009). Stove burning is a form of dowry killing prevalent in the province of Punjab, mostly in the urban areas. Married women are burned by the husband or his family as a punishment for not providing a rich dowry, not producing a son, not allowing the husband another wife or as a result of long running disputes. Acid throwing, particularly on the face, may be committed to avenge refusal of sexual advances and alleged disloyalty by a wife or female partner. It is done to punish the wife for bringing dishonor to the husband. Marriage( Nikaah) to Koran( The holy Book of Muslims) is an old custom where a girl is forced into celibacy to keep the family wealth intact. It is more prevalent in the Sindh province among the wealthy feudal lords ( waderas).Show MoreRelatedDomestic Violence Against Women Essay1691 Words  | 7 PagesOrganization defines violence as: â€Å"The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation†. WHO has declared violence against women both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. Violence against women is of many types and has many faces. Also called Gender-based violence, public healthRead MoreForms Of Violence Against Women1210 Words  | 5 Pages Forms of Violence Against Women Introduction In Pakistan, women live in a confined world that is structured by family, tribal, and religious customs. As such, women are subjected to not only violence but also discrimination on a daily basis. This has been brought about by the interpretation of Islam, the main religion in the country, which views women as persons needing maximum protection. This consequently leads to their oppression emotionally, physically, and mentally. They face various formsRead MoreLaws Against Domestic Violence in Pakistan are Insufficient to Protect Victims of Abuse796 Words  | 4 PagesPakistan is a developing country that recently (roughly fifty years ago) developed its democratic systems. The current legislature has limited power and competes with parallel systems of court. Pakistan’s unique socio-cultural frameworks need to be understood in order to ensure that liberty and justice are available to all members of society. It is in this respect that it is important to evaluate the current sys tem of laws protecting the rights of the subjugated in a patriarchal society, thereforeRead MoreDomestic Violence on Women in Society1730 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic Violence on Women and girls in Society Tabinda Asghar Dow Institute of Nursing Abstract Violence alongside women and girls is a sign of previously uneven authority relations among men and women, which have led to command over and unfairness against women by men and to the avoidance of the full progression of women. These types of terrible actions against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and wound- physically, psychologically, sexually and economicallyRead Morewomen in pakistan750 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿WOMEN IN PAKISTAN Outline 1. introduction Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 with thesis statement leading to the conclusion. 2. Hurdles in the way of women empowerment in Pakistan a. Unlawful customs b. Feudalism c. Crimes against women d. Domestic violence e. Outdated and perennial culture f. Forced and early marriages g. Misinterpretation of religion h. Lack of policies implementation i. Hurdles in getting into politics j. Insecurity at work place k. Denied basic education l. Poverty mRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Essay2203 Words  | 9 Pagesof Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. (UN General Assembly 1993). It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, itRead MoreWomen s Role And Status Of Women1180 Words  | 5 PagesWomen in Pakistan Women in Pakistan are more likely to face system subordination, where patriarchal values are embedded in local traditions and culture. Due to the interconnection of gender with other forms of exclusion in the society, the role and status of women cannot be considered homogenous. There is a great deal of diversity in the status of women across regions, classes, the rural/urban divide caused by the lack of socio-economic development and the impact of feudal, tribal, and capitalistRead MoreWomen s Rights And Empowerment1422 Words  | 6 PagesIn the Name of Honor She was a young girl with a powerful voice. Her story is one of bravery and defiance. With the help of her father, she became an important activist for the free education of women not only in Pakistan, but throughout the world. As many people encouraged her movement, she became nominated for several renowned peace prizes, and also became a target for the Taliban. One day on the way home from school she was cornered on a bus and shot in the head by a Taliban member. Yet her lifeRead MoreJanice Cornwell. Pyyc-400 Adult Relationship. Instructor:Dr.1197 Words  | 5 PagesJanice Cornwell PYYC-400 Adult Relationship Instructor: Dr. Debra Yoder April 4, 2017 Intervention by Faith Communities Violence against Women The total number of the different religious communities in the United States may never be complete. A large number of us live within some type of religious belief system. The First Amendment of the Constitution makes clear what Congress cannot do related to religious organizations. It allows us a freedom of exercise that some countries are stillRead MoreThe Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women1445 Words  | 6 PagesThe Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is a comprehensive international treaty, created to advocate for the rights of women s. It is a highly ratified treaty since one hundred and eighty-six of the UN’s 193 members have agreed to apply its principles to their nation states and to protect and fulfil its terms and conditions (Wakefield 2010, p.22). The aim of the essay is to demonstrate the strengths of CEDAW in promoting gender equality, whilst simultaneously
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Last Duchess and Othello, IV, iii Free Essays
In the dramatic form, be it monologue, dialogue or full theatrical scene, the author cannot step into the action to comment or interpret for us, as he can in a novel. We must draw our own conclusions from what we see and hear, and this makes for powerful effects, as a character reveals him- or herself to us by what he or she says or does. In the monologue My Last Duchess Browning misleads us with great skill before we realize that we are listening to a criminal lunatic. We will write a custom essay sample on My Last Duchess and Othello, IV, iii or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dramatic force lies in the surprise we feel as the truth finally emerges. In Act IV, scene iii of Othello there is again an agonizing irony for the viewer, who knows more than Desdemona and is of course impotent to help her. Shakespeare works like a dentist without an anaesthetic, and the pain for the audience derives from the unbearable innocence of the doomed Desdemona, who is surely something like the Duchess in Browning’s poem, helpless and bewildered in the face of a murderous insanity in her husband. Browning’s Duke sounds so sane! He is wonderfully gracious and articulate – â€Å"Will’t please you sit and look at her?†(5). As he tells his story he seems to weigh his words with great caution, as if he is quite free of the distorting power of anger or any other passion, and is keen to avoid any unfairness in his judgment: â€Å"She had / A heart – how shall I say? – too soon made glad†(21-2), â€Å"†¦but thanked / Somehow – I know not how – as if she ranked†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (31-2). He never raises his voice, and speaks with a measured confidence that quite takes us in. At first we might be tempted to believe that his attitudes are reasonable: â€Å"Sir, ‘twas not / her husband’s presence only, called that spot / Of joy into the Duchess’ cheek†(13-15). His manner is restrained even as he hints at her infidelity. The painter flattered her about her appearance, as of course he would, being a Renaissance artist totally dependent on patronage, but she was charmed by it – foolishly, the Duke suggests. â€Å"She liked whate’er / She looked on†(23-24). She was delighted by the beauty of the sunset, and the little tribute from the man who gave her the cherries, just as much as â€Å"My favour at her breast†(25). What he seems to be objecting to is her failure to be properly selective and aristocratic in her tastes. This is a rather extreme sort of snobbery, but perhaps not unprecedented; we may not find it attractive, but we may accept it as a feature of a proud man with a â€Å"nine-hundred-years-old name†(33). All the time, Browning is luring us up the garden path. We begin to detect the problem. The Duke is immensely proud, a man of great heritage, while she is free of snobbery, charmed by the delights of the world and human kindness, and genuinely innocent. (Infidelity does not now seem to be the Duke’s concern.) Then we begin to see how his pride is really pathological arrogance. â€Å"Even had you skill / In speech – (which I have not)†(35-36), (he lies, of course) to explain your objection to her behavior – which is clearly quite â€Å"normal†– it would involve â€Å"stooping, and I choose / Never to stoop†(42-3). So, rather than speak to her about his dissatisfaction, which would involve impossible condescension by him, he chose to solve the problem rather more radically: â€Å"This grew; I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together†(45-6). It takes a moment for us to register what he did, so unbelievable is it and so evasively phrased. Then, having confessed to murder, or, rather, boasted of it, he continues his negotiations for his next Duchess, celebrating, incidentally, one of his favorite art works, â€Å"Neptune†¦ Taming a sea-horse†(54-5), the very image of the brutal control that he has himself exerted over his innocent last Duchess. The willow scene from Othello works differently, of course, because it is a dialogue, though it is the inner workings of Desdemona’s mind that the dramatic form reveals here, just as much as is the case in Browning’s poem There is an almost intolerable pathos about this scene because Desdemona is so helpless. She has a good idea of what is going to happen – â€Å"If I do die before thee, prithee shroud me / In one of those same sheets†(24-5) and is impotent in the face of her fate. There seems to be no defence against the ruthless execution of Othello’s enraged will. She is in a sort of trance, a hypnosis of shock. All she can do is wait for the end, and the pathetic simplicity of her reflections here is the sign of a wounded spirit in retreat from reality. The tragic atmosphere is given additional poignancy by the occasional interruption of the everyday details of â€Å"undressing for bed†, the habitual continuing because there is nothing else to do in the face of the worst – â€Å"Prithee unpin me†(21). She continues at moments to pretend that this is just an ordinary night: â€Å"This Lodovico is a proper man†(35), not a comparison of Othello with her country forms, but a pathetic attempt at gossip. But her real thoughts emerge in the obsession with the willow song, which she cannot resist. It is the perfect mirror of her own fortune: â€Å"And she died singing it; that song tonight / Will not go from my mind†(30-1). Like a detail from a psychoanalyst’s casebook comes the unprompted line in the song that gives away the deepest thoughts of the willing victim. –Let nobody blame him, his scorn I approve,  Nay, that’s not next. Hark! Who’s that knocks? –It is the wind.†(51-3) She corrects herself, but the absolute terror of realisation goes through her. The heroic innocence of Desdemona is highlighted by her conversation with Emilia. While Desdemona genuinely believes that no woman could in fact commit adultery â€Å"for all the world†(63), and swears that she herself would not do it â€Å"by this heavenly light†(64), Emilia responds, â€Å"Nor I neither, by this heavenly light, / I might do it as well in the dark†(65-6), and goes on to consider just what â€Å"all the world†might mean as a reward for the sin. Emilia is not immoral. It is just that Desdemona is on a superhuman and heroic level of behavior, and Emilia is on the normal level. Compared with Desdemona’s helplessness in the face of the corruption of Othello, Emilia’s jokes have an immensely remedial health. It is not a criticism of Desdemona, but it is a firm placing of trust in the human by Shakespeare. We can imagine that what Desdemona feels and says is very close to the response of Browning’s Duchess. Both of them are innocent and benevolent women faced by deranged men. The creation of character and the realization of human dilemma in the dramatic form are forceful and, in these two cases, immensely painful for the audience or reader. The form makes the reader peculiarly impotent in the face of disaster. We would like to stand up in the theatre and shout at the stage, like the lady in the famous story, â€Å"You great black fool, can’t you see she’s innocent?†  How to cite My Last Duchess and Othello, IV, iii, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Cross Selling in Banking Essay Example For Students
Cross Selling in Banking Essay CROSS SELLING Cross-selling stands for being able to offer to the existing bank customers, some additional banking products, with a view to expand banking business, reduce the per customer cost of operations and provide more satisfaction and value to the customer. For instance, when a bank is in a position to sell to a deposit customer (say saving bank or term deposit), a loan product such as housing loan, credit card, personal loan or vice-versa, this would result into additional business and lead to low per customer cost and higher per customer earning. Revived focus : In the present day context, the cross selling has come into focus, as some of the new private banks (ICICI Bank) have been able to offer to their customer a variety of products and thus generate more business through cross selling. But for most of the public sector banks, in particular, the concept in its new form, is still at its evolutionary stage. Scope of cross selling : The crossing selling may take place on the liability side (i. e. different kinds of deposit accounts) or on the asset side (i. . loans for different requirements) or between the two. It could be either at the initiative of the customers or a bank can implement it as a well prepared strategy. Benefits from cross selling : The major benefit is in terms of cost reduction as for a bank, the cost of contracting a new customer is much higher than to serve an existing customer (may be up to 3-4 times). Further, through cross selling the benefits of economies are available to the bank, which reduce the co st further and increase the profits. Another additional advantage is that the cross selling helps in building brand value if the loyalty of the customer could be ensured for the brand, as in that case the likelihood of shifting the business dealings to another organisation/bank by the customer, is much less. Strategies for cross selling: The existing client base of the banks could be used by them for the purpose of cross selling after carefully charting the profile of the customers. For this purpose, the banks can undertake studies for various products and various geographical areas to understand the potential available for cross selling. The banks may undertake some of the following steps: †¢ Collection of data and preparation of data base of the customers, because the entire exercise of cross selling is based on such data base of the customers. †¢ Identification of customers and products that could be offered and then charting the strategy to offer he products. †¢ Imparting proper training to the staff to create team spirit and sharing with them the strategy for undertaking cross selling. †¢ Selecting target customers and narrowing down the product range, or even development of new products if necessary, to meet the specific needs of the group. †¢ Effective delivery. The bankers have to remember that Cross-selling is not a transaction based activity, it is primarily, a relationship building exercise.
Monday, March 23, 2020
The Jewish Way Of Life Has Been Affected In A Tremendous Essays
The Jewish way of life has been affected in a tremendous way by the people of the United States of America. By the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, there were only 2500 Jews in America. For forty years beginning in 1840, 250,000 Jews (primarily from Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia) entered this country. Anti-Semitism and economic woes in Eastern Europe went from bad to worse after the pogroms of 1881-1882. Almost three million Eastern European Jews left between 1881 and 1914, two million (85%) of which decided to come to America, where they thought "the streets were paved with gold." They were wrong. Because of this intercontinental migration, the social characterization of Jews in America changed drastically. Before the move, the largest group in the early eighteenth century were the Sephardic Jews. They lived in the coastal cities as merchants, artisans, and shippers. The Jews who predominately spoke German came to America over 100 years later, and quickly spread out over the land. Starting as peddlers, they moved up to business positions in the south, midwest, and on the west coast. New York City had 85,000 Jews by 1880, most of which had German roots. At this time in American history, the government accepted many people from many different backgrounds to allow for a diverse population; this act of opening our borders probably is the origin of the descriptive phrase "the melting pot of the world." These German Jews rapidly assimilated themselves and their faith. Reform Judaism arrived here after the Civil War due to the advent of European Reform rabbis. Jewish seminaries, associations, and institutions, such as Cincinnati's Hebrew Union College, New York's Jewish Theological Seminary, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, were founded in the 1880s. America was experimenting with industry on a huge scale at the time the Eastern European Jews that arrived. Their social history combined with the American Industrial Age produced an extremely diverse and distinct American Jewry by the end of the intercontinental migration, which coincided with the start of the Great World War (World War I). Almost two out of every three new immigrants called the big northeast municipalities (such as the Lower East Side of New York) their new home. They would take any job available to support the family, and they worked in many different jobs which were as physically demanding as they were diverse. The garment district in New York today was made from the meticulousness, the sweat, and the determination of the Jews. Low pay, long hours, and disgusting working conditions characterized the average working day. Labor unions fought for these workers' rights and eventually won. There are stories of men in the Lower East Side of New York who started to sell rags from a cart, and slowly moved up the ladder in time to run a small clothing shop. Like other Jews in America at this time, they sacrificed the Sabbath to work during it, but it was for the good and the support of his family. The 1890s saw the birth of many Jewish-oriented charities were organized to raising funds for medical and social services, such as Jewish hospitals and Jewish homes for the aged. The American Jewish Committee was formed in 1906 to attempt to influence the American government to aid persecuted Jewish communities overseas. B'nai B'rith, a Jewish fraternal society, was set up in 1843 by German Jews in America; in 1913 it instituted the Anti-Defamation League to combat anti-Semitism. Today the ADL combats not just anti-Semitism, but also racism and other discriminants. Furthermore, The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation has put together Hillel Houses at major college campus throughout the country to ensure that Jewish college students get an adequate religious experience. Anti-Semitism in America did not become widespread until the turn of the century. Anti-Semitism follows Jews around; it is not part of a community unless Jews live with them in that community and the gentiles don't want them there. Jews were informally ostracized from clubs and resorts, and were denied entrance to colleges and other institutes of higher learning. Moreover, it was a common practice to not employ Jews in particular professions and basic industries. Between World War I and World War II the United States placed limits on the number of Jews allowed in per year. Zionism, the movement formed by Jews to get themselves to a land that they can call their own, had a definite impact on American Jewry during Zionism's times of development and execution. American Zionism was affected by German and East European Jews coming to America.. Although the small membership of
Friday, March 6, 2020
Metal Wires (a Summary of the Experiment) essays
Metal Wires (a Summary of the Experiment) essays My projects name was Which type of wire conducts electricity Best? Copper or Aluminum. The reason I picked this project was because I wanted to learn about electricity. And what are different types of wires used. Also which wire is more possible to conduct high voltage and yet still be able to be safe? And also how and why is it safe? Those are the reasons why I picked this Experiment. So now I can learn all a lot that field of science. My hypothesis was If both Wires are made with the same materials (batteries, light bulbs, etc.) and were connected to the battery at the same time, then the Copper wire would mostly be able to stand the longest time without having the light bulb flicker or die at any moment in the experiment. Also I believe that the Aluminum wire would only last a couple of minutes before it would start flickering and final then turn off. As well the Copper wire might last about 10 minutes. And also the material I used were the follow too: Wire cutters - wire cutters were used to cut open the wires. Panasonic Batteries (9 volts) - to light the light bulbs. Small Light bulbs (3.8 volts) - used to conduct the light Copper wires - wire used in Experiment. Aluminum wires - wire used in Experiment. Electrical tape tape used for covering up any wire. Time Stop (watch) - to time the Light bulbs Batteries life (start, flickering, died, etc.). Paper and Pencil to write down the observed Data in the experiments trials. Porcelain Tile - surface used for connecting the wire to the light bulb (without burn the surface). Soldering Iron - tool used for connecting the wire and the light bulb. Alligator Clips - used to connect the wire to the battery. Procedures: 1. get wires and cut them open with the wire cutter.2. Get light bulb and wire and place them over the porcelain Tile.3. Using the soldering iron connect the wire to the light bulb. (+ and -).4. Then check for any openings in...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Proposed Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposed Program - Essay Example a minimum of ninety (90) minutes per week of physical education and the agreement of the individual participants to submit to baseline and follow-up blood screening. There were no exclusionary criteria. Procedures. The schools selected for program participation will be done so based on its demographic location within a well-defined local area. Within those schools, the dietary menus would be modified so as to ensure that the lunches provided within the school will meet the USDA requirements of a minimum energy level of 664 kcal with a fat content of less that 30% of the total calorific content, no less than 10g of protein, 286mg of calcium, 3.5mg of iron, at lease 224 retinol equivalents of vitamin A and at lest 15mg of vitamin C. The duration of this program will be three years wherein the students within the program will experience significantly less dietary fat intake over the course of the program when compared with students outside of the target area. In conjunction with the dietary modification program, an enhanced physical education program will be implemented. The schools within the target area would implement a regiment of physical education whereby each student will receive a minimum of ninety (90) minutes of physical education over the course of a week. This will be distributed over three sessions. The physical education program will be accompanied by health education whereby the students will be offered a series of 16 30-40 minute healthy eating segments administered by the classroom teachers. The segments would be selected based on the criteria of age appropriateness. Â During the course of this program implementation, there will be an ongoing program level monitoring whereby there will be continuous recipe and menu analysis as well as well as an observation of the length of time and physical activity type determination. On an individual level, dietary knowledge, intentions, food choices outside of school, social reinforcement and support as
Monday, February 3, 2020
Human Behavior Experiment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Behavior Experiment - Essay Example The video builds insight, using the two cases, on the bystander effect phenomenon (The Human Behavior Experiments, 2014). The video explains that individuals will follow authority even when the person is aware that it will result in a negative experience. The Milgram’s experiment was responsible for such a study whereby electric shocks were thought to be administered whenever the learner failed to answer the questions correctly. In addition, the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) by Zimbardo supplemented the study by illustrating that people would continuously follow authority blindly. The reason for such an act is that the people with authority are thought of being morally correct. As such, people are obliged to follow the orders given by such people in the case where they think disobedience would have dire consequences. As such, authority is deemed to be legally based and individuals have a responsibility to respond to legitimate authority. The documentary applies to criminal justice in the sense that every individual is liable to any misfortunes that occur in their presence if it is deemed that they acted in an ignorant and negligent manner. As such, it is a criminal offence to abscond or fail to help an individual who needs urgent help before his or her demise. In addition, the law enforcers are responsible for mitigating crime. As such, failing to incorporate them to a criminal activity constitutes a crime against the state; hence, a criminal offence. Individuals have a sole responsibility to report cases of criminal activities, lest they stand liable to any misfortunes. Authorities ought to know their roles when handling wrongdoers. As such, suspects or prisoners would never have to comply with harsh orders from the officers. In addition, there ought to be platforms for reporting cases of immorality that force individuals to obey commands blindly. It is prudent to note that individuals have a responsibility to apply moral judgment beyond the legal
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Managing marketing activities of motorola
Managing marketing activities of motorola Motorola was established in Chicago, as (G.M.C) Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in 1928, with its first product as BATTERY ELIMINATOR. As the company purchased the patents to the automatic radio and developed the privileges of making trade. As trade name used as since the 1930s. Several of Motorolas Products were made in radio related fields .initially they introduced the battery eliminator .they introduced the first walkie-talkie in the world in the period of1940, they started making electronics items related to defense, cellular arrangement equipment, and production of mobile phones. In the year 1943, the company erected its research and development platform with Dan Noble, a developer in FM radio and semiconductor technologies amalgamated with the company as director of research. In the year 1947 it became to public company, many of the changes took place like change of name. logo, production and operational rules in 1955. And at that time Motorola was generally in business of ma king and vending of T.V and receivers (RADIO). In Toronto Motorola released its global subsidiary and they started funding the upcoming and foremost universities. In full swing Motorola developed its R D research test center in Phoenix to research new solid-state technology, Motorola presented the worlds first viable high-power germanium oriented transistor. Motorola traded its first TV trade to Japanese based company PANASONIC. www.motorola.com Organizational Background Motorola. is one of the listed Fortune 100 multinational corporations that largely engages in telecommunications and is grounded in America. It is a solitary market leader in the semiconductor technology group which lists mobile, pagers, semi-conductors, and microprocessors. It has always given a tough competition with its Japanese opponents. The slogan of Motorola is Intelligence Everywhere which depicts that all the areas in the world will be held by intelligent technology if people are with Motorola. In 2008, Motorola Inc. had an aggregate of just about 64,000 staffs and had income of above $ 30 billion approximately. Still however with such great figures, the market portion of mobile field division of Motorola is been diminishing and as on the company is getting into loss. Motorola is recognized for its pioneer results of bulk construction of semi-conductors and many other discoveries in the area of wireless technology which transformed the world of telecommunication, Organizational Setup In the year 2008, there are more than 65,000 staffs working in Motorola worldwide, with revenues generated over 30 billion us dollars. Due to its innovations and internationally recognized product feature, it holds the position of authentic and latest technology products. Motorola is growing and increasing in size due to its RD, and only during the dot-com hype, the company faced huge losses. And currently, due to key competitions in the market and global economic crisis, it is facing a huge loss. Motorola used innovative idea to enter the market. As Motorola has lasted for years, the growth has helped Motorola to fight for challenges of corporate revolutions. Continuous up gradation in the working technique is a part of Motorolas development. . Corporate Objectives Mission Statements and Vision Statements are printed for clients and staffs of businesses. A Mission Statement is defined as a verdict or short article printed by a company or business which imitates its essential task, individuality, code and values of business objectives.. Mission We are a global communications leader powered by a passion to invent and an unceasing commitment to advance the way the world connects. Our communication solutions allow people, businesses and governments to be more connected and more mobile Vision Our history is ironic. Our future is vigorous. Its the Motorola and the passion of discovery is what pushes us. Marketing Objectives Motorola wants to achieve following marketing objectives these are following: To Launch 27 new handsets at the end of 2008. + 7for CDMA + 12 forGSM + 4 for UMTS + 5 for iDEN Delayed delivery links in China and India Achieving rank one in 2010, Escalation the Transactions or sales capacity Escalation the market share Growth of profit COMPETITIVE MARKETING Targeting Strategy The market target of Motorola is for the people in both city and countryside area. The main target is YOUTHS which gets attracts by the following features of Motorola they are price Thin and Fashionable Trendy and Light in use Advanced technological hand sets Segmentation Strategy The main segmentation on which the Motorola focuses on is as follows Age Income Occupation Life style Positioning Strategy Positioning is the procedure by which dealers try to generate an appearance or uniqueness in the field of customer preferences of their marketplace through Symbol and color of the Product. So Motorola positioned its product Positioning strategy on the basis of its Symbol and color The punch line of Motorola is Hello Moto and Intelligence Everywhere. Motorola located itself as a purchaser centralized company. . PEST Analysis According to M,PETTER Pest analysis is mainly carried to know the situation of a company that enhances its surroundings operations with the situation that its faces with government, people, buyers, competitors .to have predictable result of analysis. That let the company to assess its performance. Potential of Geo-Marketing-Tools for the Development of Advanced Political Fiscal policy policy Government policy ,tax policy Economic l selling low price phones with better quality To produce budget oriented product Presentation of valuable variety in the marketplace so the client could have an better reputation in their mind Social Delivering quality product to the customer Giving proposals of offers to shopkeepers retailers and purchaser To deliver a social fashionable brand To Change the customer approaches and attitudes Technological To provide new technological product .that rarely exits in the market To acquire or up bring the technology that gives completion the market To enhance the ease of work in workers point of view by installing technological equipments SWOT Analysis Internal factor STRENGTH Their passion to invent and guide the market by introducing new technology. The officials of Motorola were broad- minded to modify and reacted appropriately towards challenges. It got a lot of most important acquisitions, business alliances and mergers with major companies in the market which made Motorola a major threat to other competitor. WEAKNESS The customers were unsatisfied as the customer service was poor and they were not delivering after sales service and in mobile handsets The devices developed by Motorola had many defects in them as they were newly introduced in the market which made an image of being inefficient and lacking by a strategy. The staffs of Motorola required more training compared to other rivalries, along with their old management technics and this factor are important in the operation of the company. External factor OPPURTUNITIES As Motorola could engage itself in observing its opponents to gather information of their activities and to implement far better ideas. Motorola could engage itself in strategy like mergers, acquisition. Trend of technology To outsource new products that will enhance it competitor to go hard on them Threats Motorola has faced many problems in the business of telecommunication that enhanced its rivarlys to follows new ideas and technology that Motorola used in delay Motorola also faced many challenge in technical failure ,although quite few In numbers . but the faults. Handset problems is continue to be existing at present. The major threats for Motorola in U.K market is blackberry, nokia , Samsung, still its competitors grow enough better than giving error free handsets than Motorola. Evaluation of five forces. Threat of substitute Goods can be seen as the excellence of semiconductors retains shifting regularly. It gets slighter, inexpensive or nearer. The value and the operation fluctuates in from time to time therefore the value can fall nearly 45 to 55 percent Moreover, the mobile industry is so compact and hard, that publics are flowing to auxiliary products due to operation value and space. The danger of innovative contestants always occurs in the marketplace for any manufacturing company but precisely for Motorola, new competitors like Apple, Samsung and other businesses which were leading the deals in electronics have now entered the mobile phone category to compete with Motorola. Therefore, increase in new competitors and the pressure of existing competitors has reduced the market share of Motorola in all the product categories. The bargaining power of consumers is strong as the market is consumer driven and since Motorola is not a mono corporate, the consumers do have strong bargaining power as they mi ght shift to the competitors. The bargaining power of suppliers is very less in the case of Motorola as it has created a strong and robust operation system with its suppliers globally over the Internet. In order to reduce costs and at the same time increase productivity, Motorola had to reduce the time border and the efforts required to negotiate with the suppliers, organize the process and to increase efficiency while saving cos. The dealers were connected with Motorola over the Internet and various functions like bidding, negotiating, and buying can be done between the suppliers. Motorola also issued awards towards the suppliers for their efforts and excellent service which created competition amongst suppliers (Informs, 2005).. Evaluation of Marketing Mix The 4 Ps of Motorola Company are as follows. Product For a fruitful marketing mix, crafting the invention affording to the requirements always plays an major concern. The main goods of Motorola include handsets, where the technological variations always occurs normally with concern to its competitors by allowing changes in audio,videos,wi fi connection , and to deliver answers to productions, operations, and administration Price The attention of the customer to the produce their willingness to buy the product mainly depend on the price charging more than reasonable price will not impress consumer and cheap rates will be believed durable quality products. Typically in the telecommunication segment, the costs are indirectly connected with the product life cycle.so in the starting stage, rates are normally high in the marketplace and there is no straight rivalry. So to scan the market and insure u the Study and Expansion charge which allows reducing in price to capture market during second stage, publicity proposals are additional to upsurge the auctions. And during weakening period, the installation of new equipment is made as its beneficiary place Delivery is very significant as it should be suitable for the customer to enter it and. Motorola has numerous suppliers everywhere in the globe which form the average of sellers for the clients. As even in many country selecting the place plays an important role to attract the customer. Promotion Motorola achieves both directly above the mark and directly below the mark procedures of publicity. The kind of promotion mix straightly rest on on the product life cycle. During the development point the flow of money is condensed but not fully. During maturity period, the monetary amount for promotion is increased. During the weakening phase promotions like proposals and reductions are presented. Evaluation of customer preferences Delivering finest result to the Customer is very significant as the customers mainly assume advanced alleged welfares and moderately less rates. Although Motorola engages large number of customer competitors and wealthy in the invention group of phones.so its very much important for the company to think that which segment will be best for them while bringing the customer in the market to purchase their commodity instead of buying from their rivalry casual segment and corporate Segment. The supplies and the prospects of both these sections differ extensively from each other and the customer value depends on the segment. The casual segment contains consumers of both genders, age ,group people who use the mobile phone for steady usage like calling, messaging, listening to music, taking photographs, etc. customer use in towards the point of view is far better from wats it was in old days as there was rare existing market group that accumulate the company to use different marketing Strategy as accompanied by their competitors they often tend to analyze what their tatse and consumer preferences should be .therfore consumer preferences should be evaluated through the policys keeping in mind whether what suites the best . that the customer demands .even though in include the company to concern its major services in finding of what is the needed requirement of customer globally. Conclusion Motorola Inc. has a history over periods and was on one occasion a market groundbreaker in its corporate world .which was determined by its innovative ideas to cover the market by its trust worthy products that enhanced a turn in the field of telecommunication which made a pillar hard like structure in the corporate world of information and technology that allowed it to be always a motivational ideal for its. As because of many factors that include various points during the tactical process of company in concluding hard toward lead in its business. Moreover, earlier Motorola was able to, but now Motorola is finding it tough to challenge rivals like LG, S.Erickson, APPLE.. This is because it follows its old tradition nal trends in the markets . which the customers dont like in todays world to come up with. As well as with in its outdated technique to improvise a short term plans,
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Optical Computed Tomography Essay
Development of optical computed tomography is traceable back to slightly more than a decade ago. ( Doran & Krstajic, 2006:45) The study of tissues using conventional methods and more specifically optical microscopy often suffered major problems given its inherent representation of 3-D materials in 2-D. it is on this basis that there arose the need for more advanced representation techniques. (Doran & Krstajic, 2006:47) Optimal tomography has been able to fill this scientific gap through its ability to combine a series of 2-D images to give a 3-D image. This process involves construction of a spatial 3-D distribution regarding the linear attenuation of an object with the use of samples recorded from various angles of the illumination beam transmitted. (Zhang G. Et al, 2008:2738) Significantly, optical CT has independently emerged within three differing fields. Documented evidence reveal that the earliest emergence of CT is traceable to late 1990’s discovery by Maryanski and Gore similar to the CCD-based optical scanner applicable in investigation of chemical structures that often engage in self organization was presented by Winfree. (Chamgoulov, 2006:1) Later in 2002 though Sharpe published micro-CT images of which he refers to as optical projection tomography. However, recent technologies have seen introduction of optical technology applying the use of trans-illumination tomography in the study of tissues. Optical CT thus falls within the class of optical imaging devices. Often it’s referred t as an interferometric mechanism which brings together scattered light emerging from the sample with regard to a reference beam. (Zhang G. Et al, 2008:2740) OCT’s use in tissue study experiences limitation regarding the maximum penetrable depth. The operations of optical CT originates from the beers law which describes the attenuation of light and X-rays as they move through a given medium. The law states that for uniformly distributed substance bearing a linear attenuation coefficient ? with a measuring detector at a depth d is described by the equation below l(d)= l_0 exp (-? d),l? Where l0 represents the measured intensity at depth equals to zero. Where N mediums are to be bypassed by the rays, then the equation translates as described below; l(N? y) ? = l? _0 exp{ -? _(i=1)^N- _i ? y? } The most recent development of Optic CT application has been the optical CT microscopes which uses of DMD (Digital micro-mirror device). This involves an array consisting of thousands of very small micro-mirrors designed in a way that allows each to be individually controlled. This allows illumination of the specimen at different angles or rather they act as spatial modulators of light. (Chamgoulov, 2006:2) Another form of optical CT microscope employs the use of an optical scanner primarily controlled by a computer in moving of light across the given sample. (see figure 1) Such a system is made up of a pair of objective lenses with high numerical apertures, a source of light, and a detector. The optical scanner is made up of a two axis mirror consisting of motorized linear actuators. (Doran & Krstajic, 2006:50) The objective lenses numerical aperture limits the angular range. The microscope applies greater use of the radon’s transformations which is described by the equation below; l=l_(0 ) exp {–? -? (y)dy} across a given sample Figure 1: Optical CT microscope schematic representation The optical CT microscope gives 3-D images of sample being studied with the samples dimensions being visibly seen. This has thus extended its application as a way of studying tissues and body cells more effectively as previously only two dimensional images could be visualized. Data from optical CT imaging is often presented in Radon space, a 2-D form of image referred to as a sinogram. (Doran & Krstajic, 2006:51) The samples various points are said to each produce their own sinogram tracks overlaid to each other. The source and the detector are each placed on either side of the object being imaged. When the source detector is at position x, then the attenuated laser beam intensity that the detector receives is given by the equation l(x)=l_0 exp {–? -? (x,y) dy} Often the source detector track is rotated around the sample being imaged. However some designed allow the sample to rotate instead. This change does not result into a change in design except for mathematical calculations that are altered to take into consideration the resulting sample rotational angles. The equation of radon transforms then takes the form describes below; ?_? (x)= ? -? (x_? y_? )dy= -(In (l_? x)/l_0 ) Advantages and disadvantages of using optical computed tomography This technology has attracted widespread use by industrialist and other end users due to its high speed and precision. In addition it provides more detailed subsurface images of both 2-D and 3-D structures. (Sakhalkar & Oldham, 2007:104) Notably also is its capability of producing high resolution and in-depth images of tissues. This has led to its gaining popularity with ophthalmologists. Non-biological application too employs the use of optical CT as it is applicable in non-destructive testing and material evaluation. In 2007 for instance, David Stifter in his paper cited the applicability of the technology in detection of ceramic defects (Stifter et al, 2005) and other non-contact materials including glass, polymers among others. However, the technology is still considered expensive and unaffordable to most of its desirable users. Additionally, the highly scattering nature of biological tissues has limited the technology to only shallow depths in imaging penetration. References Doran, S. J. & Krstajic, N. (2006) The history and principles of optical computed tomography for scanning 3-D radiation dosimeters. Journal of physics, 56:45–57 Zhang G. Et al (2008) Use of three-dimensional (3D) optical flow method in mapping 3D anatomic structure and tumor contours across four-dimensional computed tomography data. Journal of Applied Clinical Medicine Physics, 9(1):2738 Chamgoulov, R. , Pierre L. & Calum, M.(2006) Computed tomography generates three-dimensional microscopic images of cells, Journal of Optical Engineering, 2(2):1-3. J. Sharpe, (2008) Optical Projection Tomography. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 8: 209-228, Sakhalkar H. S. & Oldham, M (2007) Fast, high-resolution 3D dosimetry utilizing a novel optical-CT scanner incorporating tertiary telecentric collimation. Med. Phys. 35(1):101-111 Stifter, D. et al (2005) En-face scanning optical coherence tomography with ultra-high resolution for material investigation, Journal of Optics, 13( 3):1015-1024
Friday, January 10, 2020
Parent Child Relations Essay Essay
This paper will briefly describe how Hinduism reflects my upbringings, as well as my abilities to communicate with multicultural parents, and their children. This essay will entail the traditions and values that shape my identity, as well as my everyday life. Furthermore, my in depth detail of the struggles and hardships that immigrants have to deal with will allow me to sympathize for whomever deals with similar circumstances. Part One A While my household consists of a two- parent family, both parents differ in numerous ways. The main differences that may be drawn to are culture. Culturally, both my parents were brought up in different ways, which eventually leads to it affecting my upbringing. My father was born and raised in India where he followed one solid tradition. However, my mother was raised in England, following the same tradition, while she celebrated holidays that were outside of her religion, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. This mixture of culture and tradition, from both my parents, allows me to have a greater scope of the variety of religious there are out there. Being from an origin of the Hindu background, there are several religious practices that shape the family relationship. Many of the cultural traditions that Hindu’s follow throughout the year indirectly or directly deal with family relationships, and connection through certain experiences. An example of one of the main traditions that happen every year is Raksha Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan is a day solely devoted to the bond of the brother and sister. On this specific day, sisters are asked to tie a Rakhi around the brother’s wrist, which signifies the sisters praying for a life filled with love, happiness and prosperity (Raksha Bandhan n.d.). A Rakhi is a symbolic thread, which represents the love and affection a sister has for her brother. It can also be said â€Å" this frail of thread of Rakhi is considered stronger than iron chains as it binds the most beautiful relationship in an inseparable bond of love and trust†(Raksha Bandhan n.d.). While growing up, socialization from family and friends had a dramatic effect on the person I am today. Although the lessons I have learnt as a child did not directly take place verbally, many were learned from observing my parents as they were going through their daily lives. Not only did socialization affect the relationship between my parents and I, but it also taught me to adapt to social rules, and acquire a new outlook on culture. Part B From an early period of a child’s life, young children are taught not to discriminate amongst other cultures, and religions. Moreover, children are taught to embrace all cultures, and values that the world has to offer us, with either it be music, art, religion or a diversity of food. While examining Guthrie’s theory based on children learning new cultural patterns, I believe it is relevant to myself, for the reason that I am involved in more than one culture, even though I follow one concrete religion. From a young age, I have been taught to abide by the Hindu culture, although this does not necessarily mean I missed out on the opportunity to celebrate multiple holidays outside of my culture. Annually, my family and I celebrate numerous festivals and celebrations even though they may not relate to our specific religion or culture. It is noticed that all children can open-mindedly accept cultural patterns more easily than adults, and this may be for numerous reasons. While observing Guthrie’s theory about children learning new cultural patterns more easily than adults, I believe it would help me empathize with multicultural parents and their children by understanding the fact that young children may be curious, or feel the need to ask questions about their religion and culture. As a young child, I was never to sure about the reasons as to why we celebrated a certain tradition, or why we prayed to the specific gods that we did. Furthermore, I never felt comfortable enough asking my parents because I felt that might lecture me about religion or even look down on me. Just as I did, I believe that many children would also be struggling with grasping the concept behind their specific religion. As an ECS professional, I would be more than willing to explain, and empathize with multicultural parents and thei r children. This is why I believe that it is critical for ESC professionals to have a clear foundation based on religion, and culture of all sorts. Part Two C While being raised to have an open mind towards religion, culture, and traditions, I find that it will be first nature for me to understand the variety of struggles that many immigrant parents had to deal with in their past. Coming from a family where my father emigrated from India, I have a broad concept of the struggles and difficulties many multicultural parents and their children may be trying to over come. While being a new immigrant, my father only knew how to speak his first language, which was Punjabi. Moreover, while he first came to Canada he only had a limited amount of money, which would only suffice him for a short period of time. Comparatively, while I was growing up, English was my first and only language, which I knew how to speak at the time. As a result, this had made a language barrier between the two of us from a young age. Even at the present age, my father and I have found ways to work around this, such as him speaking in Punjabi while I may respond in English. While dealing with this obstacle for a majority of my life, I have found ways to deal with this problem, and work around it. While working as an ECS profession, I believe that my past experience having first hand difficulties with language would be a great addition working in a child welfare agency. For instance, if I were observing a child struggling with his or her peers, I would suggest communication skills that would benefit the both of them, while teaching them skills that they could use in the future. In addition, I believe that it is important for children of all ages not to judge different cultures or languages, simply because they may not understand that specific religion This paper briefly explained the transactional and situational nature of my culture identity and how it would help me as an ECS professional. Furthermore, by using one of Guthrie’s five theories, I justified and related it to myself describing how it would assist me in helping multicultural parents and their children. In conclusion, I believe that it is essential that ECS professionals reflect upon themselves, and their overall identity, in order to grasp the value of tradition and culture in students, and multicultural parents everyday lives. References Raksha Bandhan. (n.d.). Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India. Retrieved from http://www.raksha-bandhan.com/
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Buddhism and Ecotourism - 1051 Words
Following Mao Zedong’s Communist forces victory over the Kuomintang forces of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, â€Å"Mao declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949.†(History of PRC) This marked the beginning of the socialist transformation under Mao’s rule in which he planned to unify China and raise the standard of living through the development of China’s infrastructure, industry, healthcare, and education. Mao’s two main campaigns during his time in power were the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Through these campaigns he hoped to purify China’s culture by eradicating the landlord ownership system and focusing on class struggle by implementing a distribution system in favor of poor, landless†¦show more content†¦Its market reforms still aren’t complete and its per capita income is still much lower than any advanced country, which has led to China’s high inequality . Along with economic issues, the rapid economic growth has caused multiple other issues. China’s main focus has been solely on its economic aspects for so long that it almost seems as if they have been blind to the environmental degradation, increasing rural crisis, growing unemployment and poverty, government corruption, deteriorating public services, as well as escalating social unrests that is and has been occurring for a while now. Although all of these issues at hand are important, the issue that I will be focusing on is the massive environmental degradation and how it has been affected by the increases in Buddhist religious freedom and ecotourism. In 1949, China’s natural forests were nationalized and private forests were collectivized, this gave state enterprises control over the forests. The main problem that came out of this was that these enterprises promoted leadership with higher profits from timber production. This caused managers of companies to try to increase their profits from timber production but wouldn’t use any of those profits for replanting timber resources because they had no incentive to. This led to China’s annual forest volume harvested to be greater than the growth in forest volume, which directly connects to deforestation. â€Å"China hadShow MoreRelatedCeylon Calling - Reasons to Visit Sri Lanka Now700 Words  | 3 Pagesthan nine national parks and two marine national parks in Sri Lanka. Asiatic elephants, wild boars, leopards, water buffaloes, and blue whales are some of the animals that call Sri Lanka their home. Yala National Park is a famous destination for ecotourism and it can bring out the best photographer in you. Its known for its variety of birds, reptiles and has the highest concentration of leopards. Serious bird watchers can rejoice in Sri Lanka. 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