Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ict marksheet Essay Example
ict marksheet Essay Example ict marksheet Essay ict marksheet Essay Please read the instructions printed at the end of this form. One of these sheets, fully completed, should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate.Unit Title Developing computer gamesUnit CodeK/601/7324Year201Centre NameCentre NumberCandidate NameCandidate NumberAssessment CriteriaTeacher commentPage No./Evidence locationPassMeritDistinctionLearning Outcome 1 : Understand the impact of the gaming revolution on societyP1: explain the impact of computer games on societyM1: compare the negative and positive impacts of computer games on individualsGradeLearning Outcome 2 : Know the different types of computer gameP2: describe different types ofcomputer gameM2: describe how computer games have developed over timeD1: compare platforms and their technical aspects for running computer gamesGradeLearning Outcome 3 : Be able to design and develop computer gamesP3: produce a design for a computer game for a given specificationM3: describe how the design for the computer game can have capacity for expansionsGradeP4: develop a computer game for a given specificationGradeAssessment CriteriaTeacher commentPage No./Evidence locationPassMeritDistinctionLearning Outcome 4 : Be able to test and document computer gamesP5: follow a test strategy to test and debug a computer gameM4: gain user feedback to a computer game to suggest improvementsD2: act on user feedback to improve aspects of the computer gameGradeP6: produce user documentation for a computer gameGradeP7: produce technical documentation for a computer gameGradeOverall GradeCompleted by:Date :Please tick to indicate this work has been
Friday, November 22, 2019
Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation
Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation Imagine for a moment that you are a teenager: you have a group of close friends whove been with you since elementary school; youre one of the top students in your class; and your coach tells you that if you keep it up, you could have a shot at a scholarship, which you really need since your dream is to go into medicine. Unfortunately, you wont be able to fulfill your dream because of your parents undocumented status. As one of the 65,000 undocumented students in the U.S. who graduate from high school each year, you are barred from higher education and cannot legally obtain employment after graduation. Worse yet, there are people who in the U.S. who believe that all undocumented immigrants should be deported. Through no fault of your own, you could be forced to leave your home and move to a foreign country. Why Do People Think the Dream Act Is Bad for the U.S.? Does that seem fair? The DREAM Act, legislation that would provide a way for undocumented students to gain permanent residency through education or military service, is taking a hit from anti-immigrant groups, and in some cases, migrant advocates. According to the Denver Daily News, anti-illegal immigration advocate and former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo said the bill should be renamed the NIGHTMARE Act because it will increase the number of people who come to the United States illegally. FAIR thinks the DREAM Act is a bad idea, calling it amnesty for illegal aliens. The group echoes many anti-DREAMers saying that the DREAM Act would reward undocumented immigrants and encourage continued illegal immigration, it would take education spots away from American students and make it more difficult for them to obtain tuition assistance, and passage of the DREAM Act would put additional strain on the country since the students could eventually petition for their relatives residency. Citizen Orange explains that the military provision within the DREAM Act is a cause for concern for some migrant advocates. The author says that because many undocumented youth are underprivileged, joining the military could be their only path to leg al status. Its a concern that depends on a persons view of military service: whether it is seen as being forced to risk your life, or an honorable way to serve your country. There will always be differing views and opinions on any type of legislation, but especially so when it comes to a controversial topic like immigration. For some, the debate is as simple as whether or not to make children suffer because of the actions of their parents. For others, the DREAM Act is only one small part of comprehensive immigration reform, and the effect of such legislation would be widespread. But for the DREAMers - the undocumented students whose futures depend on the outcome - the outcome of the legislation means much, much more.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Plan of Red Bull Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Plan of Red Bull - Research Paper Example Naturally, with respect to the different product offerings and individualized geographic sales strategies and formulations that the energy drink giant puts forward, there are only a few comparisons between the parent company and many of the product offerings that exist within smaller and more diversified markets. However, regardless of the differentials that exist, the main product offering that has proven to be the defining success of the brand is nonetheless equally represented in every single market that the firm operates within. Mission Statement â€Å"We are dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organisation as an employer of choice†Products and Services Although it is ultimately the intention of Red Bull to engag e in a broad marketing plan that will see each and every one of its sectors grow in overall sales, the purpose of this specific strategy is with regards to seeking to leverage a degree of the health supplement market that is currently experienced such a high level of growth. In such a way, introduction of a new product line and effective marketing of this will depend mainly upon focusing and refocusing the attention of any and all marketing activities into a process of rebranding and integration within such a market. Financial Feasibility With regards to the financial outlook and the means by which the firm can seek to recover in the eventuality that such a marketing plan is a failure, the approach... Prior to any degree of success due to the introduction of a new product, the firm in question must research the market as well as the potential consumers of whatever good or service they are attempting to integrate with the consumer base. As a function of this level of research presented in the essay, it is possible for the firm to gain key insights into the best ways in which a given product is able to be integrated and prove to provide an overall increase in profitability. The researcher also analyzed it as a function of understanding for the need of marketing research and understanding with regards to the markets and the consumer tastes. This essay provides brief summary that will detail the market as it exists for Red Bull energy drinks. By providing an overview of the geographical markets, overall sales and market share, expectation for future sales growth, profitability potential, and seeking to analyze and understand the firm’s geographic growth strategy, the reader and the researcher are able to determine a great deal with regards to what may take place within the future without ever having to suffer the risk and danger of blindly testing a highly costly product line in a market or with a given demographic of the consumer base that would ultimately reject it. In conclusion, the researcher presented marketing program of the Red Bull company, it's most common strategies, such as product strategy, price and promotion strategies, which has vaulted Red Bull to such a worldwide level of the claim success.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Definition of Labor Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Definition of Labor Law - Research Paper Example This will provide a general summary of what the readers should expect in the whole discussion; it will also allow the reader to have a picture of the research outline. This will provide a general summary of what the readers should expect in the whole discussion; it will also allow the reader to have a picture of the research outline. This section will basically provide a definition of terms such; definition of labor laws and specific areas of application in the labor dimension. It will also provide a general understanding of the importance of labor laws in various facets of employment. The purpose of this section is to provide brief information concerning the development of labor laws and what propagated the formulation of such laws. Additionally, the reader will also be able to know how labor laws apply to different countries in the contemporary society through this section. This will form the main focus of the research; it will provide a comprehensive discussion on the similarities between the labor laws in the United States of America and those within the Saudi Arabian State. A variety of examples of the labor laws in both the countries will be provided to enhance the readers understanding of the similarities. Additionally, it will provide in-text citations for each paragraph that explicates main ideas.b) The research conclusions will provide a summary of the discussion in relation to the writer’s perspective on various aspects of the discussion.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Integrating learning styles Essay Example for Free
Integrating learning styles Essay Facilitators use different learning styles such as auditory, kinetic, and visual methods to enhance each student’s ability to grasp material the simplest way possible. Through research, instructors have adapted many instructing methods to tap into each student’s learning style without alienated other strategies necessary for various learners. Auditory strategies may include speeches, tapes, or auditoria tutorials so the students can complete their work as they listen to the facilitator’s instructions thoroughly (Felder and Soloman, p.1). Instructors should emphasize the key words during their speeches to trigger the student’s critical listening skills. The keywords of the speech should be relative to their new material, but it must advise them on how to carry out the motions as well (Family Education, p. 2). As in online tutorials, the student must be able to hear the instructions and place the instructions in action by kinetic learning methods. Kinetic methods can include on-hands learning opportunities such as drawing, playing, or writing. An example of this would be to write out the format of a mathematical equation. The students learn to articulate the mathematical structure of the equation in order to answer the question more thoroughly (Felder and Soloman, p. 2). Instructors can use hands-on applications to break the barrier between the textbooks and the information’s overall objective. For instance, an electrical engineer must use their knowledge in the field in order to work diligently through their coursework. It is very important to give the students a chance to have a complete understanding of what their class material is about through kinetic methods. Visual instructions show students how to replicate the sequence for a given answer (Family Education, p. 1). For example, a student must know the basics of a mathematical equations in a more, in-depth way to capitalize on the verbal (auditory) and kinetic (working out) aspects of the subject matter. Reference Cited Felder, R. M. and Soloman, B. A. Learning Styles and Strategies. North Carolina State University. Retrieved October 25, 2006 from http://www. ncsu. edu/felder-public /ILSdir/styles. htm. â€Å"Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Learners. †(2006). Family Education. Retrieved October 25, 2006 from http://school. familyeducation. com/intelligence/teaching-methods/38519. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Body Systems :: Human Body
Body Systems There are 10 body systems, one of them is the Integumentary (skin). It is composed of hair, skin, nails, sence receptions and oil glands. Its functionis to protect from outside, to regulate the body temperature, to make synthesis of hormones & chemicals and is used as a sense organ. Another one is the Skeletal System (bones). It is made of about 206 bones, that are divided in tho categories: axial bones (in the body by itself) and apendicular bones (arms & legs). We have Joints too. Thei`re divided in Ball Socket (like elbow and shoulders) and sattle (fingers). This system`s function are movement, storage of minerals, blood formation, support of the body and protection of body parts. The next one is the Muscular System. It is composed of muscles (dah). The muscles are divided in visceral or involuntary or smooth (The one in the organs, like intestines), skeletal or voluntary or striated (found superficial to the bones, like biceps, triceps...) and cardiac (heart). Their functions are movement, to maintain body posture & tone and in the production of body heat. Now its time for the Nervous System. Its constructed of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves (neurons). Its functions are to communicate (fast with short duration), integration, and to control. The subsequent system is the Endocrine System (known as ductless too...). This is composed of a lot of things... They are:pituitary gland - below the brain (master gland), pineal gland - brain (It`s called the "third eye" by some, because its sensitive to light cycles), hypothalamus - also in the brain (it works with the pituitary), the thyrodic -
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An Analysis of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Essay
Without giving away any of the forthcoming plot, Truman Capote presents us with a deep sense of negativity throughout the first few paragraphs as he sets the scene for novel. Every mention of a location is swiftly followed by a feeling of emptiness: â€Å"Holcomb, too, can be seen from great distances. Not that there is much to see†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This automatically presents the reader with an air of negativity, almost pre-empting what is going to occur later on in the thrilling novel. Later in the paragraph, Capote presents us with the sentence â€Å"the streets, unnamed, unshaded, unpaved†. This emphasises the feeling that something bad is going to happen by suggesting that because the area/location is completely un-protected, any life that enters the boundaries of Holcomb is also un-protected from what will turn out to be a true contradiction of humanity. The fact that the houses are described as â€Å"one-storey frame affairs†further emphasises the idea that it is completely un-protected. Capote presents us with the idea of a forgotten town, or even a ghost town in a manner of speaking. As Capote details the different establishments in Holcomb, he soon causes juxtaposition of mood: â€Å"Holcomb Bank. The bank failed in 1933†. Capote does not present any form of positivity in the first couple of paragraphs, and the detailing of a bank that had been abandoned for many years adds to the ghostly atmosphere. This ghostly atmosphere is directly linked to a feeling of death and decay. Perhaps these themes will be investigated as the novel progresses. I feel Capote cleverly presents us with a subtle plot overview without actually telling us what is going to happen. He simply presents us with an atmosphere; an atmosphere that is sure to stick in our minds as we read the novel.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cost Accounting Is A Process That Aims To Capture A Companys Production Accounting Essay
Cost accounting is a procedure that aims to capture a companys production, to measure the input cost of each production. Cost accounting is frequently used in the company to assist the direction with determination devising. Cost comptrollers are a good as a tool for direction in budgeting and in puting up cost control which improves the net borders of the company in future. Cost comptrollers in traditional fabrication companies would normally do usage of machines that automate certain operations. Production activity is measured in machine hours. Traditional fabrication is besides labour intensive where there are high labor costs and low operating expenses. Traditional fabrication allocates the companies ‘ indirect cost to the points produced in order of their volume, figure of units produced, direct labor hours and machine hours. The usage of machine hours implies that machine hours are cause footing of the mill operating expense, this deduction is done when merely machine hour s are used to apportion the fabricating operating expense to merchandises. Cost comptrollers in traditional fabrication companies use a individual caput pool, this method of apportioning indirect costs normally consequences in the wrong cost of informations. Merchandises with high volumes have high labor costs likewise merchandises with lower volumes would normally be understated and be ignored. Traditional fabrication companies cost comptrollers are needed to assist in the managing of costs which is normally non an easy undertaking to make, but the cost comptrollers have found a manner of pull offing them. Modern fabrication was developed to work out the complexnesss of running a immense concern. Modern fabrication companies make use computing machines and robotics ; they control the whole production/manufacturing procedure. Cost comptrollers would normally necessitate modern fabrication companies because they have an built-in flexibleness to supply particular studies and assist direction with determination doing sing cost activities undertaken. Modern fabrication houses are normally non forced to stay by the fiscal coverage demands. Modern fabrication companies would normally delegate costs to activities and merchandises based on how the costs and resources are consumed by the procedure or merchandise. Cost comptrollers are needed in the modern fabrication companies because it gives them a clearer image of cost of procedure and the profitableness of clients and merchandises. They are besides needed because it would assist them with budgeting techniques for the truth of fiscal prognosi s and besides increasing the comprehension of the directors. Cost comptrollers are needed in the modern fabrication companies because modern fabrication houses use computing machines and robotics this helps in the quick and accurate production of fiscal programs to assist the comptrollers in wise determination devising. Productivity is truly improved in modern fabrication companies because there is a wider set of related component here, which is computing machines and robotics. Absorption costing is no longer for modern auto manufacturer such as BMW discuss. Your reply should include suggestions of other bing methods that are more relevant for a modern auto manufacturer and supply your accounts. Absorption costing is absorbing all the fabrication through units produced. It absorbs all the direct labor, direct stuffs, with all the variable and fixed costs. It is By and large Accepted Accounting Principles which means it is used for external coverage. Absorption costing because it absorbs all the cost is non suited for modern fabrication houses, because with this bing pricing is lesser extent than it appears to be in the instance. Cost is calculated to make up one's mind how much net income you have made, and so the monetary value while be set. Because absorbs all the costs, that establishes the fact that it does non recognize the importance fixed costs. This makes it difficult to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. The variableness of net incomes besides causes confusion because the gross revenues and stock alteration. Absorption bing recognises the importance of fixed costs in production by including them in the production procedure. It is used to fix fiscal histories. When production remains changeless while gross revenues rise and autumn irregularly in figure this method will demo a less fluctuation in net net income. Absorption costing is non suited for the modern auto makers like BMW because it is non so utile to t he direction to do wise determinations, to be after and command that is it does non assist directors to develop the company ‘s mission and aims to be the decisive factor in carry throughing them and non set uping public presentation criterions, mensurating and describing existent public presentation and comparing them to take a disciplinary action as necessary. This truly shows that it is non suited fabricating companies like BMW because they need to utilize the cost information for good determination devising intents and budgeting. But instead modern fabrication houses like BMW need to utilize Activity Based Costing because is the method of bing that assigns costs to their activities based on the resources instead than merchandises or services. Other costs and resources are equally distributed to the merchandises and services they use. This method does non extinguish any costs ; it gives more information and takes into history how costs are consumed. This method is suited for BMW because BMW is involved process betterment and reduction costs. Activity Based Costing assigns all the single activities involved in the fabrication procedure are accurately costed, that is it makes seeable waste and non value added. Therefore doing it easier to place the cost of each procedure. It uses unit cost instead entire cost. It facilitates benchmarking which means there is a standard mention against which things can be compared and assessed. It provides a better apprehension of operating expenses and it is easy understood by everyone because since companies like BMW discloses their fiscal studies to the populace they can understand why things are the manner they are. Activity Based Costing helps with future merchandise planning because for illustration all the activities associated with BMW can be accurately determined before it is launched. This can besides assist to find the monetary value and other outgos. Question 3 Cost?Material X & A ; Y working 1 4,000 Material which can be used in another machine 6,000 Labour – Department A ( working 2 ) -Department B ( working 3 ) 12,800 3,600 Sale of machine 5,000 Alteration work 2,000 Entire 33,400 Entire = ? 33,400 + ?125, 000 = ? 158, 400 Working 1 5000 – 1000 = 4000 Working 2 Department A 200 ten 2 ten 4 ten 8 = ?12,800 Working3 Department B 150 ten 4 ten 6 = ?3,600 Working 4 = ? 33, 400 = 125, 000 = ? 158, 400 ten 10 % = ? 174, 240 The minimal monetary value that should be quoted to the new purchaser is ?174, 240 ( working 4 ) . This is because this monetary value includes all the alteration work costs. MM should accept the offer made by the new purchaser because it more than the sum willing to be paid by the first purchaser. MM should besides disregard the ?2000 sedimentation made by the original purchaser because it is a historical cost that is it is a cost that has already occurred therefore doing it an irrelevant cost. I would besides advice MM to go on with alterations asked for by the new purchaser as would convey him more net income than of the original purchaser. The net incomes made would besides assist him to cover the costs he incurred when doing the alterations. Cost?Material X & A ; Y working 1 4,000 Material which can be used in another machine 6,000 Labour – Department A ( working 2 ) -Department B ( working 3 ) 12,800 1,500 Sale of machine 5,000 Alteration work 2,000 Entire 31, 300 Working 1 5000 – 1000 = 4000 Working 2 Department A Mach Dept B = ?150 x 5 tens 2 = ?1, 500 Working3 Department B 150 ten 4 ten 6 = ?3,600
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ethereal Ethereal Ethereal By Maeve Maddox A letter to the editor written by an environmentalist contains this use of the adjective ethereal: Contaminated air and water and ethereal space apparently are of no concern [to capitalists]. Here ethereal seems to refer to the physical area above the earth, what I might call â€Å"the atmosphere.†Referring to â€Å"ethereal space†in this context is not, strictly speaking, incorrect. The â€Å"ethereal realm†is the area above the clouds, but the adjective is closely associated with the supernatural. In general usage, it usually refers to heaven or to creatures or things that are otherworldly: Several belief systems include ethereal beings such as ghosts, mythological entities, nature spirits, angels, thought-forms, [and] jinns. Note: Chemists use ethereal with the meaning, â€Å"characteristic of, or resembling diethyl ether.†In general usage, however, ethereal is rarely used in a literal sense to describe things in the physical universe. As an adjective to describe people or objects, ethereal means, â€Å"spiritual, non-physical, or abstract in nature; supernatural; incorporeal; nebulous.†It also means, â€Å"of a lightness, delicacy, or refinement that does not appear to belong to this world; otherworldly.†Here are some examples these uses of ethereal: Fog surrounds a frozen volcano in this ethereal photograph. The ethereal beauty and benefits of snow Flowing organza gives this A-line wedding dress an ethereal look. Grams brother used to tease her when she complained. Oh youre so frail, so fragile, so ethereal, hed say. Audrey [Hepburn] was meek, gentle and ethereal, understated both in her life and in her work. Here are some synonyms for ethereal in its various senses: heavenly celestial unearthly delicate exquisite dainty graceful fragile airy Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightWork of Art TitlesNominalized Verbs
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
When Do IB Results and Scores Come Out
When Do IB Results and Scores Come Out SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’re in an IB Diploma Programme or a few IB classes, and you have slaved all year (or two years) studying for your SLs and HLs. You sat for the exams - where you probably developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, you can relate a little too well to this video, but you are hoping you did a little bit better on your IB exams.So when do you get your scores? How do you get your scores? What does your score mean? I will answer all of these questions and more in this article. For the May IB Exam Dates The scores are issued on July 5 of the same year.For example, if you took your test May 2015, you received your scores July 5, 2015. For the November IB Exam Dates The scores are issued on January 5, in the year following the exam.For example, students who took exams in November 2014 received their results on January 5, 2015. Mark your calendar! How Do You Check Your IB Scores? Ask your IB course coordinator for your candidate PIN. Using that number, you can access your own results via the IB’s candidate results website.You will be able to do so one day after results are issued: on July 6 for the May session and January 6 for the November session. You Got Your Score: What Does It Mean? Tests Are Graded on a Scale of 1-7 For a full breakdown of what each score means (what the score criteria is) check out this document from the International Baccalaureate Organization. What IB Scores Will Colleges Accept for Credit? Each school may have slightly different qualifications for getting credit for IB courses, but most college classes give you credit for IB HL classes with an exam score of 5 or higher.Some colleges even wave your general education requirements for those students with an IB Diploma.Others like University of Southern California (my alma mater) give you a full year’s worth of credit to those with an IB Diploma.Look up colleges' individual IB college credit policy by doing a Google Search forâ€Å"[Name of College/University] IB credit policy.†Most universities have a dedicated web page for explaining their IB credit policy. What If You Feel Like Your Exam Score Was Unfair? After the results have been issued, schools can request re-marks for particular students if they feel the result is undeserved.Schools can also receive a range of different types of feedback on their students' performance. If you wish to do so, please contact IB. What’s Next? Are you hoping to squeeze in some extra IB classes? Learn about the IB courses offered online. Studying for the SAT? Check out our complete guide to the SAT.Taking the SAT in the next month? Check out our guide to cramming. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Was the Soviet System Reformable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Was the Soviet System Reformable - Essay Example F. Cohen analyses the case of Soviet Union by looking at it from various angles. He also asks analytical questions as to why the Soviet Union perished and some of the contributing factors. He emphasizes that the prevailing view of changes that occurred under Mikhail Gorbachev’s six-year attempt to transform the Soviet Union along democratic and market lines to some extent proved that the system was unreformable. Cohen asserts that this is from his historical researches and perceptions regarding the non-reformability of the Soviet Union which according to him have been formulated and analyzed from time to time by other scholars too. According to him, the concepts driving the researchers and the ideologies of the reformability of Soviet Union are based on the Communist Party and its dictatorship, monopolistic state economy, and the slow responses of Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies. In his analysis, he emphasizes that it is important for scholars and historians to understand that reform doesn’t just merely refers to change but changes that improve people’s way of lives by widening political and economic freedom. Additionally, reform doesn’t mean a revolution or complete transformation of an existing order, but rather a piecemeal and gradual amendment within a systems broad historical, institutional and cultural dimensions. In the case of Soviet System, â€Å"real reforms†at that time was based on rapid and complete revolutions that would deem it very difficult to make reforms in the Soviet system. Cohen also argues that many studies conducted during the Soviet era however indicate that if certain policies were implemented then systematic change would have been possible in the Soviet system which was all dependent on Mikhail Gorbachev leadership. According to Cohen, other scholars and historians support this position because they are of the opinion that the structural violence which was at the center of Soviet system restrict ed the capabilities of Mikhail Gorbachev’s political, social and economic policies from becoming effective. Asking the question as to whether the Soviet system was reformable thus means asking if all the basic components and policies could be reformed. In fact historians argues that it makes no sense making assumptions that if any components or policies were supplemented by new ones or eliminated, the results would no longer be of the Soviet system. Furthermore, the Soviets of 1917 were generally elected, only turning into something else later. At this time there was no monopolistic control of the economy until the 1930s, and when the Stalinist mass terror which had been fundamental feature for 25 years ended no own would questioned if the system is still soviets. From these proponents historians and scholars argue that the Soviet System was not reformable and thus was doomed to be inherent defects (Kuvaldin, 22). Cohen also attributes the Soviet Union to the five transformat ions of the communist system which was generally advancing towards an economic policy to be adopted in the Soviet Union intended to increase central planning and labor efficiency. It however eventually led to the end of central planning in the Russian economy. The transformations were heavily determined by the communist system which included the monopoly of power by the communist party, democratic
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